As busy mums the last thing we
think about are our needs, right?
The kids are needing snacks,
want a drink, you have to do the washing, you have to think about what your
going to cook for dinner, school drop off and pick up then you can add on the
pressures of running a business, or whether your going to immunise or start pre-school etc you name we do it and it is EXHAUSTING
emotionally, physically and mentally and by the time the kids go to bed you’re
either catching up on washing, dishes, work etc or just plonk on the lounge in
an exasperated heap!!!
So how can YOU implement self
love and self care into your already BUSY day?
Over the next week I will be
sharing with you 15 of my self love tips, please grab a cuppa, get comfortable
and enjoy the read and If you have any questions or anything to share about this topic please leave your comment in the box below!
Let me start off by saying
You my friend are doing an
AMAZING job whether you’re a single mum, partnered, your partner works away
(FIFO) you have support or you don’t, this gig is hard work and that is why it
is SO important to look after yourself, first and foremost and these 15 tips
are so easy to structure into your day or week that you’ll be thinking WHY
haven’t I done this earlier??
These are little things that I
have learnt to adapt into my life, because if I didn't I would most likely have
checked myself into a mental asylum LOL!!!
You see we moved to the Gold
Coast from Sydney a year ago last month and all our family are still in Sydney
so we have no family support here and being a SAHM with four children 19, 16, 4
and 20 months and my husband works away doing FIFO work with a 3 week on and 1
week off roster and let me tell you I
have had meltdowns, I have felt overwhelmed like I couldn’t go on and I have
felt like a screaming banshee losing my mind over the littlest things and
taking it out on my children and partner!
I get it and you know what IT
IS OK!!!
There is nothing wrong with
you or me at all, we just need to take control of our lives and practise SELF
LOVE and SELF CARE into our days so we don’t feel like we’re going to explode!
I suggest starting off small
so maybe try one of these tips a week
and work your way to 2 so on and so on and before you know it you will be doing
them EVERYDAY like you hang out the washing!
And you will start to enjoy it
because it FEELS GOOD and when you feel good your mood changes and everything
FLOWS just like the blood flows through your body and creates chi energy you
will become calmer, happier and more joyful!
My first 3 tips are:
My first 3 tips are:
Start your day
with a warm glass of filtered lemon water, it detoxes the body and removes
toxins built up over night, it improves digestion, hydrates your body, promotes
healthy skin, boosts energy and your immune system, is a weight loss aid (I put
3-4 drops of Young Living Lemon essential oil into a warm glass of water every
morning and it has helped me shed weight PLUS my skin is super soft and clear),
alkalizes your body (dis-ease is formed in an acidic body), boosts brain power
and helps you wean off caffeine.
Go for a walk~
when it all gets too much and you feel like your going to lose your shit get
baby in the pram, carrier etc grab your littlies and go for a nature walk.
Nature is the best and cheapest form of therapy, once you step out of your
surroundings and you’re out amongst nature you automatically feel lighter and
your stresses fall away, try taking deep breathes as you walk and say
affirmations to yourself such as “All is well in my world” or “I am a strong,
loving and capable person” or “I am love” and notice how your shoulders drop
and you start to feel happier, then you can play with the kids in the park and
have some fun! Get in touch with your inner child and feel JOYFUL!
baby/toddler/child has a daytime nap make yourself a cup of herbal tea, DO NOT
DO ANY HOUSEWORK sit outside or on your couch and *sigh* RELAX pop your feet up
sip your warming tea and just BE in the moment with yourself!
Another wonderful and relaxing idea is to lay on the floor on your back with your feet against the wall, in yoga they call this the Viparita Karani pose pronounced (vip-par-ee-tah car-AHN-ee) Feel how good
that is……the dishes can wait trust me! Taking even 10 minutes aside for
yourself is beneficial for your health and sanity.
{Image from Google}
I don't know about you but last week was a real challenge for me, I was more emotional than normal, stressed and had had enough. It was the third week into hubby's swing and I was ready to run away to a secluded beach and never come back!
You know those moments of desperation and that thought of "Who can I ask to look after the kids for a week" or " Hmm 3 days isn't too long to dissapear, Is it?"
Then reality kicks in and you realise it isn't going to happen (sigh) It was one of those moments where everything got on top of me and the smallest thing would set me off!
I would automatically go into "stress mode" and I just couldn't snap out of it, my emotions were at an all time high, frustration reared it's ugly head and I verbally took it out on my kids and hubby!
And the reason was I wasn't getting time for myself or should I say I wasn't MAKING time for myself. Us mum's always complain "I don't have 5 mins to myself, I'll be honest I've said it too many times to count and the truth is we DO have 5 mins to ourselves it's just up to us to prioritize that time and make sure we do something for ourselves like one of my tips above, it really isn't that hard or time consuming and these little acts of love for ourselves make the world of difference!
So when hubby came home I voiced my despair and told him I need some time out instead of soldiering on and as lovely as he is, over the next 5 days he took the boys to the beach and park and gave me my time.
In this time I was able to STOP, BREATHE and RECONNECT with myself! I took control and admitted my true feelings and SURRENDERED and you can too! If you don't have a partner to help out I truly sympathize as I too was a single mum with my older 2 children so I understand how hard it is but even more reason to implement these tips of self love!
Do it for yourself and for your family they will see the difference and how much happier you have become because when we invest in ourselves and fill our cups up we become our authentic selves and can truly shine!
Join me tomorrow for the next 3 tips on how to implement self love into your life!
Because YOU are worth it!
Lots of love and gratitude
Phoebe Carmichael xx
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